Zertifikatsprüfung / Certificate Verification

Die Gültigkeit eines Zertifikats kann online geprüft werden:


The validity of the certificate can be found on this website: 

Certificate Verification

Official Signature

In accordance with the Austrian E-Government Act § 19 you find hereby the publications of the Aviation Agency’s official signature:
1. Austro Control Logo
2. Approver
3. Date/Time UTC
4. Verification: 
Information about the verification of the electronic seal respectively the electronic signature can be found at: https://www.signaturpruefung.gv.at (Note: You will need a copy of the electronic document!)
Information about the verification of the printout can be found at: https://www.austrocontrol.at/en/aviation_authority/forms__serviceinfo/official_signature
5. Note: This document was signed/sealed with an official signature. According to § 20 Austrian E-Government-Act a printout of this document is assumed to be authentic.
The official signature is an advanced electronic signature, which serves to facilitate recognition of the fact that a document originates from the Aviation Authority of Austria.

Check an electronic certificate

Based on European Union and Austrian national Regulations (eIDAS Regulation, Regulation (EU) No. 910/2014, E-Government Act - E-GovG, BGBl I Nr. 10/2004 idgF) Austro Control GmbH – Aviation Agency electronically signs certificates and issues them either in electronic or in paper format since 01 July 2023.
You don't need to purchase any specific equipment to verify the electronic certificate.

How to check an electronic certificate

If you need to verify the authenticity or validity of an electronic certificate you can do so visual or online.

Visual Verification

The electronic certificate contains visual features to help you identify that it is current and genuine.
All these features should appear on the electronic certificate. If they are not present, you are not looking at a genuine electronic certificate.
1. Official Signature 
The official signature is displayed beneath the approvers signature
1. Austro Control Logo
2. Approver
3. Date/Time UTC
4. Verification: 
Information about the verification of the electronic seal respectively the electronic signature can be found at: https://www.signaturpruefung.gv.at (Note: You will need a copy of the electronic document!)
Information about the verification of the printout can be found at: https://www.austrocontrol.at/en/aviation_authority/forms__serviceinfo/official_signature
5. Note: This document was signed/sealed with an official signature. According to § 20 Austrian E-Government-Act a printout of this document is assumed to be authentic.

2. Ability to verify the official signature
A click on the official signature will pop up a verification status about the validity of the signature. 
The signature is VALID (signed by Austro Control GmbH ).
- Document has not been modified since this signature was applied.
- Signer’s identity is valid. 
If the pop up information does not appear or the validation report tells you that the signature is INVALID („UNGÜLTIG“), you may be looking at a fake or altered image and not the original electronic license.
If the signature status is UNKNOWN, you will need to add the signature to the trusted (signature) certificates: 
1. Open Signature Properties
2. Click on Show Signer`s Certificate
3. Trust > Add to Trusted Certificates
You should only use visual verification for low-risk verification. Although it is the quickest method of verifying an Electronic Certificate, online verification is more secure.

Online Verification

The safest and most secure way to verify the authenticity and validity of the electronic certificate is online. 
1. Online verification of the authenticity
Information about the verification of the electronic seal respectively the electronic signature can be found at: https://www.signaturpruefung.gv.at (Note: You will need the file of the electronic document!)
The signature verification service is a web application, which can be used for verifying electronic signatures without installing dedicated software. 
For verifying an electronic signature, select the signed file in the form “signature verification” and press the button "verify". As a result, you get a verification protocol.
2. Online verification of the validity
The validity of the electronic certificate can be found on this website: 

Information about the verification of printouts

According to § 20 Austrian E-Government-Act printouts of electronic signed documents are assumed to be authentic. 
Printouts must be presented with the official signature and embossing stamp.
Embossing Stamp

If you are having doubts on the authenticity of the printout, please contact Austro Control GmbH at:
  • Tel: +43 51703-0 (Opening Hours Mo – Fr 08:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m. UTC)
  • Fax: +43 51703-1766
  • Mail:

Informationskarten / Briefing Cards (Print Outs)