Language Proficiency


In this section, all procedures, lists, and forms concerning language proficiency pursuant to ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements and Part FCL.055 Language Proficiency of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 are made available.

Austro Control accepts all procedures for the issuance of a language endorsement established by a competent authority of an EASA Member State.  
The lists of language testing bodies (LTB), formerly known as language assessment bodies (LAB), language proficiency examiners (LPE) and language proficiency linguistic experts (LPLE), aviation language proficiency tests for pilots, certified by Austro Control, as well as all forms regarding language proficiency can be found further down this site. 
With the publication of ZPH FCL 7 - Procedure for the Demonstration of Language Proficiency pursuant to Commission Reg (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055 (e), which constitutes the primary document for pilots regarding language proficiency, Austro Control has adopted the relevant ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.
Information for language testing bodies (LTB) and for the certification of language proficiency examiners (LPE) and language proficiency linguistic experts (LPLE) can be found in ZPH FCL 8 - Certification of Language Testing Bodies (LTB) and Language Proficiency Assessors (LPE/LPLE) pursuant to Reg (EU) No 1178/2011 Annex I (Part-FCL) FCL.055.


Fax: +43 51703 7086
All Contacts


Language Proficiency

Title / SubjectNo.Versionvalid from
Activity report LPE and LPLE1.02022-03-1616.03.2022
LPE acceptance record1.02022-03-1616.03.2022
Application for the approval as Language Testing Body (LTB)3.02024-09-0606.09.2024
Application for certification of LPEs/LPLEs2.02022-03-0202.03.2022
Application for the approval of an Aviation Language Proficiency Test2.02022-03-0202.03.2022
Application for a language proficiency endorsement3.02022-09-0202.09.2022