AIC - Aeronautical Information Circular

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AIC Series A

Title / SubjectYearNo.
Volcanic ash2023A 04
The Public Health Authority’s recommendation concerning measures taken in the event of suspected communicable diseases on board2020A 08
MET Report / Special - Substantive change2022A 16
Safety risk of civil aircraft due to armed conflicts2020A 04
Changes to SIGMET numbering - effective date: 5 DEC 20192019A 09
Procedure for IFR rotorcraft approach and departure (operations) to and from LOGH heliport2021A 14
Use of published IFR procedures from/to LOAN2022A 04
Use of published IFR procedures from/to LOAV2022A 05
Summer time2022A 06
PBN-to-ILS flight procedure RWY 29 at Wien-Schwechat airport (LOWW)2022A 13
Information of the Ministry of Interior concerning the transportation of air passengers by commercial airline companies (private flights of private citizens are not affected) – arrival GAC/airfields – non-Schengen flights to Austria2023A 02
Vöslau aerodrome - Trial operation modified traffic pattern "Hotel" for helicopters2023A 07
Use of published IFR procedures from/to LOIJ2023A 12
Use of published IFR procedures from/to LOWZ2023A 13
Austria: Rules for untaxed refuelling of aviation fuel2023A 15
False Localizer Capture2023A 16
Supplement to snow plan winter 2023/20242023A 18
Removal of cloud trigger for ATC Low Visibility Procedures at Wien-Schwechat airport (LOWW)2023A 19
Provision of Flight Information Service and alerting service by WIEN INFORMATION2023A 20
Radio communication procedures for the aeronautical mobile service2023A 21
VFR Procedures LOWS - Additional regulations to minimize noise in the traffic circuit2024A 01
Cross Border FRA Operations between FRAIT and SECSI FRA2024A 02
Special flights and Airspace Management - AMC Austria2024A 03
AIRAC-Dates and other dates relevant for aeronautical publications 2024, 2025 and 20262024A 05
Aeronautical Chart - ICAO 1:500 000 Austria - Revised edition2024A 06
Hints for submission of flight plan and special regulations for flights within Austria2024A 07
Radio communication procedures for the aeronautical mobile service2024A 08
Expansion of Cross-border Free Route Airspace (FRA) operations between AUSTRIA as part of SECSI FRA and the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia as part of SEE FRA and expansion between Baltic FAB and the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Sweden2024A 09
RNP AR approach procedure RWY 16 at Wien-Schwechat airport (LOWW)2024A 10

AIC Series B

Title / SubjectYearNo.
Betriebsbestimmungen zur Aktivierung temporärer ziviler Luftraumreservierungen gem. § 120a LFG und § 31 LVR TRA Nordpark und TRA LOWI C für Hänge- und Paragleiter2018B 13
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA Gerlitzen - Betriebsbestimmungen2021B 05
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA Stockerau - Betriebsbestimmungen2018B 18
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierungen TRA LOWS N - Betriebsbestimmungen2018B 02
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierungen TRA Schöckl, TRA Almenland und TRA Bruck - Betriebsbestimmungen2018B 07
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA Pinkafeld - Betriebsbestimmungen - Effective date: 31 JAN 20192018B 23
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA Feldkirchen - Betriebsbestimmungen2021B 06
Betriebsbestimmungen für Segelflieger zur Aktivierung temporärer ziviler Luftraumreservierungen gem. § 120a LFG und § 31 LVR Segelfluggebiete TRA LOWI L, TRA Nordpark und TRA LOWI C durch Segelflugvereine bzw. Segelflugpiloten2021B 04
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierungen TRA Gaisberg, TRA Schwarzenberg A und TRA Schwarzenberg B - Betriebsbestimmungen2022B 04
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierungen TRA Wienerwald-Ost und TRA Wienerwald-West - Betriebsbestimmungen2022B 05
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierungen TRA Wels 1 und TRA Wels 2 - Betriebsbestimmungen2023B 01
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA Eferding - Betriebsbestimmungen2023B 02
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA ACRO WELS - Betriebsbestimmungen2023B 04
Temporäre zivile Luftraumreservierung TRA Linz-Ost - Betriebsbestimmungen2023B 05
Temporary reserved airspace TRA LOWG GLIDER L, TRA LOWG GLIDER U and TRA LOWG GLIDER W2024B 01
Temporary reserved airspace TRA Spitzerberg, TRA Spitzerberg High, TRA Spitzerberg Nord 1, TRA Spitzerberg Nord 1 High, TRA Spitzerberg Nord 2, TRA Spitzerberg Nord 2 High2024B 02