Authorization for special procedures
Special Approach Procedure West and East, and Special Performance Departure (via RTT/KPT) are possible at Innsbruck airport. As these are NON-ICAO-STANDARD Procedures, Special Authorization is required from Austro Control GmbH, in addition to the prescribed special crew/simulator training. Only operators whose pilots are familiar with the mountainous terrain and the other circumstances in the vicinity of Innsbruck, may apply for such permission.
Applications can be made using the following Application Performance Data Form, and should be sent to:
Austro Control GmbH, Schnirchgasse 17, 1030 Vienna, Austria
Attn.: Special Procedures, Dept. ATM/IFP
or can be mailed to together with the performance calculations, the relevant pages of the AFM and any other documentation used.
Only operators of multi-engine aircraft shall apply for such a permission. Applications should be made at least 6 weeks prior to the intended operation, according to the following guidelines.
The application shall contain:
- aircraft and engine type
- maximum permissible landing/take off mass
- requested MDA
- information on the acceleration segment (MAPt, Transition, SOC)
- For all engines and one engine out, as well as for ISA +10°C and ISA -10°C (with anti-ice on)
- Climb gradient STRAIGHT (in 3500 ft MSL)
- Climb gradient IN TURN (in 3500 ft MSL)
- Bank angle
- Configurations
- Further data as described in the Application Performance Data Form
The RNP AR procedures for Innsbruck airport require a special approval! A summarized list of requirements including the documents to be submitted can be found in the AD LOWI (Innsbruck) AIP section.
Operator applying for a specific approval shall provide evidence that an approval from their competent national aviation authority (authority of the state of the operator) is existing.More information can be found in the Austrian AIP.